Dear Tunester,
The Sand castles and barbecues have been great, but I’m counting down the days, no, the HOURS until my kids go to school. I need some quiet time in the house without running a food stand and a cleaning service.
That said, I’m bracing myself, because no matter how much I promise that this year will be different, September always arrives like a tornado swirling the pieces of me along with it. “I won’t lose my north this year! I’ll stay calm! I’ve learned from the past!” I say, and then it happens, once again.
But dear parents of babies, don’t think you’re spared just because you don’t have school aged kids. We all go back to school in September. It’s been ingrained in us since childhood, and the storm’s a-comin’ for you too.
Here’s how you know: Have you been feeling itchier? Searching your home trying to remember what you were even looking for? feeling like you’re supposed to be busy doing something but don’t know what?
It’s natural. We’re like animals in the wild feeling the winds about to shift and getting antsy. But have no fear, I’m here to empathize and provide some wisdom from seasons past.
How to Weather the September Storm:
- The Inevitable Mess.
Prepare as you may, the storm will hit, and your plans will most likely deviate. So think of planning not so much as an effort to keep things operating perfectly as a way to make everything slightly less of a shit show. Preparing for the inevitable mess won’t make it easier but at least it will reduce the element of surprise. - Identity Crisis.
Maybe I’m the only one, but I find that September tends to bubble up big questions like – who am I again? What am I doing with my life? What do I feel passionate about (besides the baby)? And then – why don’t I know the answer to these questions at this point? I should KNOW!
Knowing that an annual midlife crisis is inescapable is like greeting your PMS after years of experience. You’re no less irritable, but you know that within a couple days you won’t want to kill every person in sight anymore. - Super Mama Syndrome.
September seems to plug in my Super Mama chord that’s been laying dormant behind the heater during the summer. Suddenly it’s activated, and I have to make changes, things need to improve – the kids can’t watch so much screens! They need more sleep! We need a new evening routine! Mornings should have a work flow! And all the discarded mantras, prayers, rose buds and thorns, are resolutely initiated once again.
After years of this I’ve come to accept that October can be the month of all my parenting goals. In September I only go for the acheivable bare necessities.
For more on how to keep your own sanity this month check out this post. - Baby Bonding Perk.
Here’s a September bonus – re-bonding with the baby. Whether you have a toddler going back to school, or a partner whose work is picking up again, you’ll relish in the quiet mornings with your sweet baby who may have gotten ignored under the beach umbrella as you chased your toddler down the beach or allowed yourself a moment of actual relaxation.
Now you get to stare at your baby once again, study how their lips move and their nose scrunches, guilt free, without anyone else vying for your attention.
Want a baby bonding cheerleader? I’m your girl. Follow me on TikTok and Instagram for daily activity tips and emotional support. - Isolation Desperation.
Along with the sweetness of peace and quiet also comes loneliness. Yes, you’ve got time with your baby, but now you hark back to those chaotic family filled evenings when you craved alone time. Your afternoons get a little longer, the witching hour starts earlier and earlier.
I’ve got a simple cure for this one – I invite you to join our Baby in Tune classes. Beyond learning great tips on how to have easier nights and joyful days with your baby, its a place to make your best mama friend. We’ve got in person classes in NY and a Zoom class starting in October that I’ll be teaching. Click here to find our schedule.
So dear Tunie, do you feel the September Storm coming on? HOw do you handle it? Comment and let me know below.
Do you have a friend who could use some September Support? Send her this post and tell her to sign up for more.