Hello My Baby is getting some love

So far “Hello My Baby” is being received fantastically. Thank goodness. I have to say, I was a little nervous about it. I felt like I was taking a huge risk. Sure it has some light tunes like Hello, Cooking, Changing, and Peekaboo, but it also has some heavy ones, like Something Other Than a Mom and Forgive. I didn’t know how you all would feel about it. I mean, what the hell is this album? A kids album? A parent album? Can there be such a thing as both, truly? Luckily, you guys seem to not only accept what I do but appreciate it fully. Many of you have told me that the album has been on repeat since you got it. Yes!! Not only that, the people who are vocal in the press seem to like it too. I wanted to share some nice press hits.
1. Hello My Baby received a National Parenting Publications (NAPPA) Gold Award. Woohoo!!
2. Cool Mom Picks says “”Vered’s gorgeously light and tuneful voice sings light-pop songs about some of the best parts of parenting a baby…I also appreciate that she doesn’t gloss over the harder parts of parenting, but its always done with sweetness and humor…” Read the full review HERE.
3. It was on Red Tricycle’s list of The Newest Kids Albums to Put on Repeat. Check out that great list HERE.
4. Swing Whistle Zing said “Vered is the quintessential voice of parents.” Read the full review HERE.
5. Jeff Bogle at Cooper and Kid said “Vered delivers sophistication and style to babies, and brings a much needed rawness and honesty to ‘parent’ music too.” Read that piece HERE.

One thought on “Hello My Baby is getting some love”

  1. Thank for creating the song Forgive. This first time I heard it on the CD, I got so emotional. I was weepy but hopeful simultaneously. I’m a stay-at-home mom that hasn’t had a lot of practice time away from my darling, but this song gives me courage and reassurance to know that everything will be okay when I have to leave my darling for some time before coming back home to her again. I thinking leaving is sometimes harder for me than it is for her. We love this CD!

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